

Arrest, Deportation of Sister Patricia Fox and International Support Groups Worries Social Development and Advocacy Networks

The Philippine Misereor Partnership, Inc. (PMPI), a social development and advocacy network pushing for peace and development, expresses concern over the series of arrests aimed at limiting the engagement of international partners and solidarity groups with the Filipino community. April…

Albert Einstein: Israel Freedom Party closely akin to Nazi-Fascism

by Ramzi Baroud First published on Counterpunch, 25/4/2018   Albert Einstein, along with other Jewish luminaries, including Hannah Arendt, published a letter in the New York Times on December 4, 1948. That was only a few months after Israel had…

109 ex-US generals against Gina Haspel’s nomination

“We did not accept the ‘just following orders’ justification after World War II, and we should not accept it now”.  . First published on Russia Today, 25 Apr, 2018.  . As many as 109 retired US generals and admirals urged…

Fox in the Henhouse: Why Interest Rates Are Rising

The Federal Reserve calls itself independent, but it is independent only of government. It marches to the drums of the banks that are its private owners. To prevent another Great Recession or Great Depression, Congress needs to amend the Federal…

NPT 2018: Focus on what really matters

Another round of preparatory meetings ahead of the 2020 NPT Review Conference kicks off in Geneva tomorrow, Monday 23rd April.  The people at Reaching Critical Will are, as always, providing excellent coverage throughout.  We republish their first editorial here for…

Film director, Lucio de Candia and ‘Images as a tool for change’

Italian film director, Lucio de Candia, won the International Active Nonviolence Film Festival (FICNOVA) prize for Balkan Blues in 2016, and taking advantage of his participation in the 2018 European Humanist Forum in Madrid, we asked him about the role…

The World Development Report produced by the World Bank almost completely ignores workers’ rights

12 April by Peter Bakvis for the Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt The World Bank decided last year to devote the 2019 edition of its flagship annual policy review publication, the World Development Report, to the theme of…

Strong Plea for Early Entry into Force of Nuclear Ban Treaty

By Jamshed Baruah GENEVA (IDN) – On the eve of a crucial international conference, an eminent Buddhist organization advocating a nuclear-weapon-free world for over six decades, has called for the signing, ratification and early entry into force of the Treaty…

Corbyn v Corker: UK wants representation, US royalty

By David Swanson Five years ago, the British Parliament said no to an attack on Syria that its prime minister wanted to join the U.S. president in launching. That action, combined with public pressure, was instrumental in getting the U.S.…

7 Questions About the Syria Airstrikes That Aren’t Being Asked

by Richard Eskow “Mission accomplished,” says the President. What, exactly, was the mission? And what exactly was accomplished? Donald Trump is being mocked for using this phrase in a tweet to praise what he claims was a “perfectly executed” airstrike…

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