

The Bumpy Road to Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Process

By Sergio Duarte The writer is President of Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. NEW YORK (IDN) – On July 1, 2018 the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) will celebrate the fiftieth aniversary…

Militarism Mapped

World BEYOND War has just released an updated 2018 mapping of militarism in the world. The map system can be explored and adjusted to display what you’re looking for, as well as display precise data and its sources at Here…

Final Declaration – 5th European Humanist Forum 2018

Dear friends, we have met here in Madrid on the 11th, 12th and 13th of May 2018 in a time of extreme concern, both for the social situation in which violence increases and life becomes more difficult every day, and…

Medea Benjamin: The Peace Movement must mobilize to support diplomacy in Iran & North Korea

President Trump announced Tuesday he is pulling the United States out of the landmark 2015 Iran nuclear deal, brokered by his predecessor, President Obama. That same day, Trump’s new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo flew to North Korea to finalize…

The Politics of Nobel Peace Prize

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali  A group of 18 GOP lawmakers led by Rep. Luke Messer of Indiana, have formally nominated President Donald Trump for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize for his work toward peace in the Korean Peninsula. The nomination…

The U.S. Just Declared War on Iran

By Jan Oberg Against all common sense, moral considerations and international law, U.S. President Donald Trump tonight decided to place the United States outside the international so-called community and isolate itself, not Iran. He withdrew the United States from what…

ICAN seeks parliamentary support in Spain as Trump breaks the Iran nuclear deal

ICAN representatives set to meet members of the Spanish Congress as President Trump pushes the doomsday clock closer to midnight. “Today’s announcement by US President Donald Trump to de-certify the JCPOA (the Iran Deal) raises tensions even higher and threatens…

Mayte Quintanilla: “Creating alternatives to today’s world is an act of freedom that unites us”

Mayte Quintanilla, an activist for a universal and unconditional basic income, is a long-time humanist who has been working for decades to transform the world around her in the political and social fields. She will participate in the European Humanist…

How the arms trade is used to secure access to oil

Vincenzo Bove, University of Warwick for The Conversation UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia increased by 175% in the first nine months of 2017 according to an investigation by the Campaign Against Arms Trade. Similarly, France and the US are…

The Active Nonviolence toolkit, proposals for the European Humanist Forum

In May 1969 Silo gave a speech, The Healing of Suffering in a remote outpost of the Argentinian Andes which today could be seen as the launch of an Active Nonviolence Manifesto. He referred then to violence being not just…

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