

Stop the war on Iran now!

By Farhang Jahanpour, TFF Board Speaking at the Heritage Foundation this morning, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo practically declared war on Iran. His unprecedented threats against Iran went even beyond what President Trump had said in the past. Commenting…

Guillermo Sullings: The rich get richer and the poor get poorer

Economist, Guillermo Sullings, author of the book “At the Crossroads of Humanity’s Future: the steps towards the Universal Human Nation” talks about the difference between globalisation and planetarisation, the European Humanist Forum, neoliberalism and how to surpass it, and the…

Big Data is watching you

We republish here two related articles from The Conversation that show the need to remain vigilant of what social media is doing with the information we share. Four ways your Google searches and social media affect your opportunities in life…

Interview with Sabine Rubin, France Insoumise

Sabine Rubin is a committed woman, Siloist humanist… She has worked for many years to mobilize people around her so that they express themselves, especially on the political and social level in favour of a more human world. Currently, she…

The European Humanist Forum approves its Declaration of Support to the Mapuche People

In the closing session of the European Humanist Forum 2018, the plenary session approved by acclamation a Declaration of Support to the Mapuche People which we reproduce below. Chilean deputy, Tomás Hirsch, speaker in the Forum, publicly promised to deliver…

Differently Equal

What common elements do people from different cultures have? In essence, we are human beings with the same needs and abilities. We have principles, projects and beliefs. A heart that loves and suffers. A mind that thinks, knows and communicates.…

Members of Parliament from four countries sign Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty Pledge

On Saturday the 12th of May, parliamentarians from Spain, France, Chile and Argentina signed ICAN’s Parliamentary pledge in support of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.  ICAN won the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to create…


I would like to announce the publication of a new book entitled “The Information Explosion”. This book discusses the role of information in evolution, and especially in the evolution of human culture. Articles and book chapters that I have previously…

Mass Murder In Gaza

By Bill Van Auken The two events—occurring on the 70th anniversary of Israel’s declaration of independence—were juxtaposed by the media, broadcast simultaneously on split screens by television networks. What could not be concealed was the fact that the opening of…

Abolition of Nuclear Weapons: Everything is Connected

By Anthony Donovan, Dorothy Day knew how vast military spending takes directly from our humanitarian needs. Albert Einstein repeatedly reminded us that nuclear weapons were a dangerous false sense of security. Let us sing out from the hilltops just some…

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