

ICAN Singapore Summit Response Press Release

As Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump signed an “agreement” in Singapore today, ICAN welcomes the diplomatic efforts but warns that only a process based in international law and existing treaty frameworks will achieve nuclear disarmament and fully denuclearise the Korean…

How high streets and shopping malls face a ‘domino effect’ from major store closures

Omar Toulan, IMD Business School and Niccolò Pisani, University of Amsterdam for The Conversation Traditional retail is in the centre of a storm – and British department store chain House of Fraser is the latest to succumb to the tempest.…

Upholding Press Freedom: The Struggle Continues

Maria Ressa, Rappler Executive Editor, and CEO of Philippine online news agency Rappler, was awarded the Golden Pen of Freedom Award by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) in Portugal last June 7. A global network of…

The Case of Julian Assange

by Paul Craig Roberts, 10/06/2018. Here is the original post   Julian Assange is a journalist, not a spy. Because he published leaked material that proved the duplicity and criminality of the US Government, Washington has had him locked up…

Climate Change Is The Central Challenge For Humanity

Viewpoint by Franz Baumann This article is based on Talk given to the UN Association of New York 23 May 2018. Dr. Franz Baumann joined the UN Development Program in 1980 and began working in the UN Secretariat in 1985.…

Markets: The enemy shows its face

Recent events have clearly demonstrated the great role and power of the so-called markets. The words of the European Budget Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, “The markets will teach the Italians how to vote correctly” are unequivocal. In fact, this is a…

John Pilger and Courage Foundation announce “urgent campaign” to free Assange

Internationally-acclaimed journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger issued the following statement on behalf of the Courage Foundation. Pilger is a trustee of the organization, which raises funds for the legal defense of persecuted whistleblowers, journalists and publications, including Julian Assange and…

Our Energy Problem Is a Quantity Problem

By Gail Tverberg Reading many of today’s energy articles, it is easy to get the impression that our energy problem is a quality problem—some energy is polluting; other energy is hoped to be less polluting. There is a different issue that we…

South American March for Peace and Active Nonviolence

The South American March for Peace and Active Nonviolence is an initiative of the organization World without Wars and without Violence, which has volunteers in several countries of the world, and in 2009 organized the successful and massive World March…

Tribute to Silo, 49 years after his first public address.

Mendoza House, Buenos Aires May 4, 2018  Silo, a Universal Mendocino (*) Excerpt from the talk by Ernesto H de Casas. Participant from the beginning of this movement. We were there that May 4th, 1969, a memorable event in many…

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