

News on JFK Assassination Plan

by Paul Craig Roberts. The original article can be found here: Two US Army Cryptographic Code Operators Overheard JFK Assassination Plan President Trump forced the release of 53,000 CIA documents of the Kennedy assassination that were withheld from the public…

UN Summer Academy Brings 2030 Development Agenda To Life

By Rita Joshi BONN (IDN) – In 2015, countries from around the world adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. In November 2016, the Paris Agreement…

As World Busts Heat Records, Study Warns Global Warming Could Be Twice as Bad Climate Models Project

By Jessica Corbett As millions of people across the globe face extreme heat advisories, with temperatures even soaring beyond 90 degrees in Siberia last week, a recent study published in the British journal Nature Geoscience warns long-term global warming—and thus sea level rise—could be twice as bad as…

Outlaw nuclear weapons and abolish them! Hiroshima Memorial Day in Vienna

On August 6, 1945 the first atomic bomb was dropped over Hiroshima. On 7 July 2017, the UN decided to ban nuclear weapons under international law. On Monday, August 6, 2018, the Vienna Peace Movement organizes the annual event in…

US-China trade: China is building bridges with the world while the US puts up walls

Yuka Kobayashi, SOAS, University of London for The Conversation China first built its famous Great Wall in the Qin dynasty during the third century BC. Never has there been a greater symbol of protectionism. But today China is outward facing…

Can we please have a conversation about what it means to be human?

Pride season is fully underway in the Northern Hemisphere with huge parades taking place in nearly every major western city.  It is a big achievement in a relatively short period of time since the 70s when Pride Marches started out…

Why unarmed civilian protection is the best path to sustainable peace

By Annie Hewitt July 6, 2018 The first image that often comes to mind when one thinks of peacekeeping, especially within the frame of the United Nations, is that of the blue helmets: armed soldiers gathered from member states who are…

California Dreaming: Cannabis Cash, Public Banks—and the State’s Own Mini-Fed?

by Ellen Brown originally posted on Truthdig, 03/07/2018   Spurred by the heavily cash-reliant cannabis industry, Los Angeles residents will be the first in the country to vote on a public banking mandate, after the City Council agreed on June 29…

Craig Murray: No need For NATO

A NATO summit approaches that brings Donald Trump to Europe and then on to these shores, and brings the usual clamour for more of the taxpayers’ money to be given to arms manufacturers. Yet NATO is a demonstrably useless institution.…

Washington Moves Against Rafael Correa

by Paul Craig Roberts, July 4, 2018 the original article can be found here   As President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa was a Godsend for the Ecuadorian people, for Latin American independence and for WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange. By serving justice and…

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