

Companies that promise to lighten baby skin colour reinforce prejudice

Herjeet Marway, University of Birmingham for The conversation Skin lightening is a longstanding practice that occurs in many parts of the world. It’s been done through the use of creams, lotions, soaps, folk remedies, and staying out of the sun.…

Philippe van Parijs, ‘The biggest objection to a basic income is moral’

Here, we publish the complete interview with the philosopher and economist, Philippe van Parijs, for the documentary UBI our right to live by director Álvaro Orús. This documentary has been supported by Humanistas por la Renta Básica Universal and our…

Nearly 60% of young children are social justice activists – a future full of Elin Erssons

Emma Taylor-Collins, University of Birmingham for The Conversation Since 21-year-old Swedish student Elin Ersson live streamed her protest against the deportation of an Afghan asylum seeker, the video has been viewed more than 11m times on Facebook. The young woman…

Restitutions of the colonial treasures

PRESS RELEASE Colonialism Reparation asks the repatriation of the remains and the permanent restitution of the treasures looted by former colonizers as a first step in the direction of the Reparation of the damages of the colonialism. In the last…

Elin Errson: plane protestor’s brave solo stand for human rights proves the power of action

Sorin Balasu, Keele University fot The Conversation Now, perhaps more than ever, the Anglo-Irish statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke seems clearly to have been right when he said that the forces of evil will triumph, if good women and men…

China has been preparing for a trade war for over a decade

Thursday, 12 July 2018 07:24 Brandon Smith for Alt-market The crash of 2008 brought with it a host of strange economic paradigms rarely if ever seen in history; paradigms which have turned normal fiscal analysis on its head. While some…

Strategy and Conscience: Subverting Elite Power So We End Human Violence

Given the overwhelming evidence that activist efforts are failing to halt the accelerating rush to extinction precipitated and maintained by dysfunctional human behavior, it is worth reflecting on why this is happening. Of course, you might say that the rush…

291 Million Youth Live With No Electricity, No Computers, No Printers – UN Laments

By Shanta Roy NEW YORK (IDN) – When the United Nations commemorated World Youth Skills Day on July 16, there was one strong underlying theme that overshadowed the event. Despite marked progress in the role of youth in a society…

For the White Woman Who Wants to Know How to be My Friend: A Black Feminist Guide to Interracial Solidarity

Posted on November 1, 2016 by Claire  in Afrofemina from a text in Sister Outrider A brief foreword: this is the conclusion to my series of essays on race and the feminist movement. Parts 1, 2, and 3 can all be accessed…

Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

The municipal plenary of Santiago de Compostela urges the Government of Spain to ratify the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. As was previously the case with cluster bombs and landmines, the process to ban nuclear weapons…

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