

Science Crucial to Global Environment Facility (GEF) Action

The Science and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP), establishing a sense of urgency, deployed scientific analysis to set priorities to guide the investment of newly replenished funds allocated to solve our persistent and worsening global environment woes. At the Global Environment…

The West Has Performed ‘Philosophical Coup’ Against The Left

by Andre Vltchek It has been happening for quite some time, but no one has been paying much attention: Western academia, mainstream media, and the most visible propagandists, were trying to convince the world that 1) ideology has died, or…

Population and the Environment

By John Scales Avery One hopes that human wisdom and ethics will continue to grow, but unlimited growth of population and industry on a finite earth is a logical impossibility. Today we are pressing against the absolute limits of the…

Fairtrade renewable energy: shedding light on clean energy’s dirty secrets

David Flynn, Heriot-Watt University; Merlinda Andoni, Heriot-Watt University, and Valentin Robu, Heriot-Watt University for The Conversation The world is coming together on renewable energy. Trust in technology such as solar and wind power generation is increasingly reflected in the investment…

Hiroshima and Nagasaki: 7 things you should know

August 3, 2018 ICAN Next week marks 73 years since two atomic bombs were dropped over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed and maimed, and the effects are still being felt today. But…

A Threat to Global Democracy:

How Facebook & Surveillance Capitalism Empower Authoritarianism “Black Elevation.” “Mindful Being.” “Resisters.” “Aztlan Warriors.” Those are the names of some of the accounts removed from Facebook and Instagram Tuesday after Facebook uncovered a plot to covertly influence the midterm elections.…

The Vatican roulette just got an upgrade, but the app may just be another baby factory

Many years ago (in the BC era, that is, before computers, mobile phones and apps) religious women used to count the days between periods to determine when it was safe to have sex, away from ovulation (which imprecisely happens around…

Peace as Form of Life

By Tito Alvarado Of the world’s more than six thousand extant languages, three thousand have little chance of continuing to be used in the next century. This tragic fact represents a terrible finding: we will lose three thousand ways to…

Germany vs United States: Justice Compared

By Anthony Donovan With A good Ally. Two of “Democracy’s” Courts A brief comparison of two “democratic” Judicial systems and their respective institutional treatment of citizens fulfilling their obligations to expose and educate others of the catastrophic lies and the…

The USA Is The Only Remaining Colonial Power

by Paul Craig Roberts, July 30, 2018 The United States government has never allowed independent governments in Latin America. Every time people elect a government that represents them instead of US economic interests, Washington overthrows the elected government. Marine General Smedley…

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