

Cultures of Death: Pope Francis, Apology and Child Abuse

By Dr Binoy Kampmark It was long overdue, but Pope Francis’s letter of condemnation and apology regarding the abuse of children by Catholic priests did sent a few ripples of comfort and reckoning.  He conceded that the Church “showed no care for…

Time to end cheap flights

African cities generally use less electricity than their European equivalents, as people own fewer appliances and have greater need for thrift. Jet engines are essentially the same as turbines used for electricity generation, and the engines on a single jumbo…

Sixth International Meeting on Killer Robots opens at UN Geneva on 27 August

More than 70 countries are expected to participate in a Convention on certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) meeting on lethal autonomous weapons systems at the United Nations (UN) in Geneva on 27-31 August 2018. It will be the sixth time since…

Guy Standing: The Basic Income is a fundamental emancipator policy

For the British economist and co-founder of the Basic Income Earth Network, Basic Income is not a panacea but it helps society to advance to a better life This is the latest in a series of interviews that we have…

73 Years On, a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World Remains a Mirage

By Ramesh Jaura BERLIN (IDN) – Nobel Peace Prize laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Buddhist philosopher Daisaku Ikeda recall a quote from Martin Luther King Jr – “We are always on the threshold of a new dawn” – and aver that the adoption of…

Sonja Scherndl: Global problems need global solutions

A member of Share the World’s Resources, she believes there is only one humanity and we must work together for the good of all. Sonja Scherndl works at Share the World’s Resources in London. She first heard about Basic Income…

Rena Masuyana sees basic income as a means to ensure love and education for children

The Japanese filmmaker, Rena Masuyana, directed the film “Basic Income First Year” with the aim of popularizing and making the idea of a basic income understandable. In this interview for the documentary “UBI, our right to live” by director Álvaro…

‘Be careful about what you believe’ – Ken Livingstone on US, UK media bias & lies

 Ken Livingstone for RT, Published time: 20 Aug, 2018 14:32 Edited time: 21 Aug, 2018 09:55 Today it seems like we are in another Cold War. It was breathtaking to watch our PM Theresa May immediately blaming Russia for the poisoning of…

Nuclear weapons are terrifying, but what can I do?

Nuclear weapons are indeed the worst weapon ever created. They are designed to decimate cities. The Red Cross & the UN have said that if they’re used in a populated area, there’s no help coming[1], there’s nothing anyone can do…

Hungary: Asylum-seekers with inadmissible claims are denied food in detention in transit zones

A new ground for inadmissibility, a hybrid of the concepts of safe third country and first country of asylum, has been in effect since 1 July 2018. The new provision stems from amendments to the Asylum Act and the Fundamental…

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