

South American March for Peace and Nonviolence: About to Begin

To learn more about the March, we interviewed Sonia Venegas, from Mundo Sin Guerras (World without Wars) Ecuador, promoter of the March. What is the South American March for Peace and Nonviolence and why doing it? It is the sum…

AI has already been weaponised – and it shows why we should ban ‘killer robots’

Ingvild Bode, University of Kent for The Conversation A dividing line is emerging in the debate over so-called killer robots. Many countries want to see new international law on autonomous weapon systems that can target and kill people without human…

We won’t save the Earth with a better kind of disposable coffee cup

By George Monbiot for The Guardian We must challenge the corporations that urge us to live in a throwaway society rather than seeking ‘greener’ ways of maintaining the status quo. Do you believe in miracles? If so, please form an…

Life’s purpose rests in our mind’s spectacular drive to extract meaning from the world

Guillaume Thierry, Bangor University for The Conversation What is the purpose of life? Whatever you may think is the answer, you might, from time to time at least, find your own definition unsatisfactory. After all, how can one say why…

Amid extreme weather and record heat, global mobilization demands ‘fast and fair transition to 100% renewable energy for all’

“We are at a crossroads. By acting together, we can end the era of fossil fuels and save the climate we all depend on.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer  for Common Dreams “Change only happens when people rise up to demand it.”…

Happy birthday missed opportunity. Welcome new window

“Capitalism’s near-death experience with the banking crisis was a golden opportunity for progressives. But they blew it.  “…preparations are well under way for protests to mark next month’s 10th anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers – the pivotal moment in the…

Russia denounces the diarchy at the heart of the UNO and the USA

by Thierry Meyssan The Western powers are moving inexorably towards Internet censorship, thereby facilitating the dissemination of propaganda and war indoctrination in their countries. In this context, an extremely violent tension is tearing apart the international scene. Aware of the increasing…

The terrifying power of stereotypes – and how to deal with them

Magdalena Zawisza, Anglia Ruskin University for The Conversation From “girls suck at maths” and “men are so insensitive” to “he is getting a bit senile with age” or “black people struggle at university”, there’s no shortage of common cultural stereotypes…

Germany seeks Independence from the US$

by Paul Craig Roberts, 28/08/2018. Germany’s Foreign Minister Says Sovereignty Requires Independence from Washington: “Europe no longer wants to be a vassal state to US monopoly over global payments, and will now aggressively pursue its own “Swift” network that is…

Cultures of Death: Pope Francis, Apology and Child Abuse

By Dr Binoy Kampmark It was long overdue, but Pope Francis’s letter of condemnation and apology regarding the abuse of children by Catholic priests did sent a few ripples of comfort and reckoning.  He conceded that the Church “showed no care for…

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