

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

The United Nations General Assembly has designated November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (Resolution 54/134). The premise of the day is to raise awareness of the fact that women around the world are subject…

What is populism – and why is it so hard to define?

Andy Knott, University of Brighton for The Conversation We live in a moment in which the word “populism” is never far from the lips of politicians (although oh so rarely of the populist politicians themselves). We hear the word repeated…

Maso Notarianni: “Everyone is welcome on board Mediterranea Saving Humans”

Migration policy, civil disobedience and tangible gestures of solidarity. We talk to Maso Notarianni, a journalist, director of Italian association ARCI and member of Mediterranea Saving Humans. How did the launch of the Mediterranea Saving Humans project come about? The…

2018 Right Livelihood Award Laureates Honoured Today

The Laureates of the 2018 Right Livelihood Award, widely known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’, will receive their prizes at today’s Award presentation in Stockholm, Sweden. Regrettably, the three Saudi Laureates are prevented from attending due to lengthy prison sentences…

Violence Against Women – Never Acceptable, Never Ending

By Lisa Vives, Global Information Network NEW YORK (IDN) – “I love you, that’s why I beat you.” So ends a poem by the Ghanaian writer Mariska Araba Taylor-Darko about a violent spouse and an abused woman who lays the…

Juanfe Jiménez of Proactiva Open Arms: “Citizen power can bring change”

Juanfe Jiménez is the medical co-ordinator of NGO Proactiva Open Arms and took part in a plenary session entitled ‘Violence to Displaced People and Refugees: Sanctuary Cities’ during the World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Coexistence and Peace…

Al Jazeera Exposes Israel-Backed Attacks on US Activists

Al Jazeera’s undercover film The Lobby – USA, censored by Qatar, has finally been published by The Electronic Intifada. Editor Ali Abunimah discusses the documentary’s explosive revelations, exposing Israel-backed attacks on US activists. Watch the documentary here. The Real News…

The Political Responsibility in the Collapse of Our Planet

By Roberto Savio* It is now clear that we have lost the battle in keeping the planet as we have known it. Now, of course, this can be considered a personal opinion of mine, devoid of objectivity. Therefore, I will…

Following Bolsonaro’s statements, Cuba announces its withdrawal from the “More Doctors” program in Brazil

Jair Bolsonaro, president elect of Brazil, who has made direct, contemptuous and threatening comments against the presence of our doctors, has declared and reiterated that he will modify the terms and conditions of the More Doctors program , disregarding the…

Only Jews Can Tell The Truth About Israel

Paul Craig Roberts, November 13, 2018   Imagine what would happen to Chomsky if he were a white gentile Chomsky Warns of the Rise of ‘Judeo-Nazi Tendencies’ in Israel November 12, 2018 “Information Clearing House” –   Prominent Jewish intellectual Noam…

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