

Yemen, Poisoned Water, and a Green New Deal

By David Swanson While U.N. figures suggest that it would take 1% of U.S. military spending to provide the world with clean drinking water, the United States could end the worst cholera epidemic in recorded history (in Yemen) for far less than…

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery

More than 40 Million Victims of Forced Labor and Trafficking; Over 150 Million Children Subject to Child Labor. Slavery is not merely a historical relic. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO) more than 40 million people worldwide are victims…

Poland hosting crucial UN climate summit

A crucial United Nations (UN) climate conference has opened in Poland, with representatives from 200 countries in attendance. The 24th session of the UN Climate Change Conference, or COP24, kicked off in the city of Katowice on Sunday. Representatives of countries…

A World Federation

By John Scales Avery A “With law shall our land be built up, but with lawlessness laid waste.” Njal’s Saga, Iceland, c 1270 AD   The present United Nations Charter After the unspeakable horrors of World War II, delegates from…

More evidence: Fossil fuels cause both climate change and serious health problems. The Lancet

We have already pointed out that failure to connect the diverse consequences of fossil fuels use misses the opportunity to strengthen the case for an urgent switch to renewables: “Failing to connect the fossil fuel dots of climate change and health”…

Julian Assange cornered

by Sally Burch The fence is tightened around the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, who is still on asylum at the Embassy of Ecuador in London. International persecution is growing and his rights are being curtailed. In mid-November, it was…

“Stop the Tears”, weekend of action on December 1 – 2

On November 25, 2018, U.S. Border Agents fired tear gas and rubber bullets at a group of immigrants crossing into San Diego from Tijuana, Mexico, including young children. These policies are cruel and unjustified, and must be loudly rejected. The…

Freshwater Is Disappearing. Can Technology Save Us?

By Anna Kucirkova Fresh water is the most important resource for human life on earth. People can survive far longer without food than without water, and virtually all of our food sources require fresh water to grow or create. Global…

Human Delusion and Our Destruction of the Biosphere: We Aren’t Even Trying!

Have you heard the expression ‘climate change’? That lovely expression that suggests a holiday in a place with a more pleasant climate. Unfortunately, only the rarest individual has the capacity to see through the elite-promulgated delusion that generated this benign…

At least 85,000 child deaths in Yemen highlight Saudi-US war crimes

By Mike Head A new estimate by the aid agency Save the Children that 85,000 children have died of hunger since in Yemen since Saudi Arabia’s US-backed bombings of the country began in 2015 underscores the criminal character of Washington’s…

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