

Progressive International: Varoufakis & Sanders launch new global movement against far right

The far right is rising in Europe, most recently in Spain, where the anti-immigrant, anti-abortion Vox party won multiple seats in a regional parliamentary election in Andalusia on Sunday. It was the first successful election for the far right in…

A Day Without Migrants

By IOM – International Organization for Migration* How would a day without migrants look like? Contrary to what some may believe, migrants play a vital role in the global economy. Studies show that immigrants bring growth and innovation in both the countries they…

Stop the persecution of Julian Assange and protect his right to asylum

In a public statement, the Communication Forum for the Integration of Our America (FCINA , Spanish initials) called for support for Julian Assange, demanding an end to the persecution of the founder of the non-profit media organization WikiLeaks. The initiative…

Harmful, unfounded myths about migration and health have become accepted, used to justify policies of exclusion

According to research published in The Lancet and reported by ScienceDaily “Stereotypes that migrants are disease carriers who present a risk to public health and are a burden on services are some of the most prevalent and harmful myths about…

Face 2 Face with Pía Figueroa

On this show we speak with Pía Figueroa, co-director of Pressenza news agency, about the political situation in South America and the growing antihumanist unrest. Pía gives her perspective on this moment and offers proposals for what humanists can do…

ICC Leaders Join in Global Initiative to Break Down Gender Barriers

By Robert Johnson THE HAGUE (IDN) – Top officials of the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or “the Court”) – President Chile Eboe-Osuji, Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and Registrar Peter Lewis – have joined  the International Gender Champions network, an important initiative to break…

Granollers, Spain, once again expresses its commitment to a more just, peaceful and nuclear-weapon-free world

The municipal plenary unanimously approves a motion on nuclear weapons and support for the Treaty on their prohibition The municipal council of Granollers, Catalonia, Spain in a session held on Tuesday 27 November, unanimously approved the motion proposed by the…

G20: False dilemmas, theatre and cruelty

Today, the G20 is a meeting that politically represents the interests of large corporations and global finance. In other words, it serves the business of capital and in no way takes into account the well-being of the people who live…

ITUC World Congress: A fractured world needs strong unions

The World Congress of the International Trade Union Confederation is taking place this week in Denmark, and we publish here their press statement calling for strong unions and a drastic reduction in military spending. The ITUC World Congress in Copenhagen,…

Tyranny Against Humanity: Human Rights and Global Politics

The tyranny of human rights violations – planned and alleged goes unabated across the globe. Late American historian Howard Zinn must have sensed the human cries against Nature and called “Tyranny is tyranny.” Nobody seems to care for the dried-ink…

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