

Meet Prasanna Heggodu: Founder of the Gram Seva Sangh movement. Gandhian. Peacemaker.

Playwright | Theater Director | Social Activist | Founder- Charaka, Desi, Gram Seva Sangh(GSS) & Ragi Kana. A major Indian theatre director and playwright, and lifelong social activist, Prasanna lives in a small village of Heggodu in the Indian state…

The future of peace in the world

By Juan Gómez “I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and build a better life for their children…”…

Why the issue of drug resistance in animal farming means a fight against urban elites

Camille Bellet, University of Liverpool for The Conversation Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been framed as one of the biggest threats to humanity in the 21st century. By 2050, more humans could die because of AMR than cancer. But despite alarming…

Hungarian president, János Áder, signs the Overtime Act

The Overtime Act comes into force on 1 January 2019, as President of the Republic János Áder signed the bill the Parliament passed last Wednesday. The amendment of the Labour Law that the Parliament voted on in a scandalous session on 12 December was…

La Via Campesina: Global Compact for Migration (GCM) does not represent a change in the current offensive against migrants and refugees

At the People’s Summit for a Global Pact of Solidarity with Migrants and Refugees, held in Marrakech December 8th and 9th of 2018, hosted by La Via Campesina(*) and its member organisations of the Middle East and North Africa (MeNa) Process, the…

Africa – Realising The Promise of the Demographic Dividend

Viewpoint by Graça Machel The author, who writes this piece following the recent publication of the Africa Report on Child Wellbeingand the African Child-Friendliness Index, is the widow of Nelson Mandela and former First Lady of both South Africa and Mozambique.…

Health benefits far outweigh the costs of meeting climate change goals

World Health Organisation Press Release, 5 December 2018 News Release Katowice, Poland Meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement could save about a million lives a year worldwide by 2050 through reductions in air pollution alone. The latest estimates from leading…

‘Morally Unacceptable’: Final Deal Out of COP24 Sorely Lacking in Urgency and Action, Climate Campaigners Say

“The weak outcome of this COP runs contrary to stark warnings of the IPCC report and growing demand for action from citizens.” by Julia Conley, staff  for Common Dreams Climate action groups slammed the outcome of the 24th annual Conference of…

Of Cockroaches and Humans

By Roberto Savio* Rita Levi-Montalcini, the Italian Nobel laureate honoured for her work in neurobiology, once gave a splendid conference with the title “The imperfect brain”. There she explained that man has a brain that is not used completely, while…

At the U.N. Climate Summit, Youth Leads the Way

Close to 15,000 people have descended on Katowice, in the heart of Poland’s coal country, for the annual U.N. climate change summit. This meeting is dubbed “COP24,” for the 24th “Conference of the Parties” to the climate negotiations. The efforts…

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