

On Refugees…. And Myanmar-It’s Not Just The Rohingya

By Dr Arshad M Khan … And my life’s cold winter that knew no spring; Of my mind so weary and sick and wild, Of my heart too sad to sing. — Paul Laurence Dunbar The world now has more refugees than…

Toxic fumes threaten our children. We have to take on the pollution lobby

By George Monbiot for The Guardian The growth in emissions is creating a ‘diesel generation’ of unhealthy youngsters. And some of the world’s most powerful industries are behind it. Imagine that you could buy, in thousands of shops across the…

Giuliani Says Assange Should Not Be Prosecuted

Donald Trump’s lawyer said on Monday that WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange should not be prosecuted and he compared WikiLeaks publications to the Pentagon Papers. By Joe Lauria Originally published on Consortium News   Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer for President Donald Trump,…

Mairead Maguire Nominates Julian Assange for Nobel Peace Prize

Mairead Maguire, has today written to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee in Oslo to nominate Julian Assange, Editor-in-Chief of Wikileaks, for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. In her letter to the Nobel Peace Committee, Ms. Maguire said: “Julian Assange and…

Seven charts that show the world is actually becoming a better place

Julius Probst, Lund University for The Conversation Swedish academic Hans Rosling has identified a worrying trend: not only do many people across advanced economies have no idea that the world is becoming a much better place, but they actually even…

What is the Humanist Movement today?

On January 4, 1998, 21 years ago, at the Palacio de Deportes de “Obras Sanitarias” in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Silo concluded his final report to the first Public Assembly of the Structure of the Humanist Movement with…

Reflections on 2018, Forecasting 2019

In many ways it is painful to reflect on the year 2018; a year of vital opportunities lost when so much is at stake. Whether politically, militarily, socially, economically, financially or ecologically, humanity took some giant strides backwards while passing…

Will 2019 bring opportunities to change the system?

By Howard Richards Some of us think 2008 was a lost opportunity. Humanity had a chance to change course to save itself and the biosphere. We blew it. Could 2019 be a second chance? The reason why 2008, instead of…

Advertising and academia are controlling our thoughts. Didn’t you know?

George Monbiot for The Guardian By abetting the ad industry, universities are leading us into temptation, when they should be enlightening us. To what extent do we decide? We tell ourselves we choose our own life course, but is this…

Solidarity Economy to Change the Course of History: Six Theses for Conversation

By Howard Richards 1. A new economy (or economies), in other words a new social structure (or structures), whose principle is solidarity, is necessary, not optional. 2. It is impossible to construct the new economy using only the best-known old…

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