

US to begin INF Treaty withdrawal from February 2, Washington confirms

The US will begin its withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia on February 1, Under Secretary of State for Arms Control Andrea Thompson has said. The US’ unilateral withdrawal from the treaty – originally signed by the…

BP Die In to bring attention to the white phosphorus used in West Papua

Climate activists gathered in New York’s Union Square in solidarity with the Indigenous peoples of West Papua, to demand that petroleum multinational BP: End support of the Indonesian military genocide in West Papua Capture the carbon released from Tangguh, a…

The Twisted Logic of the Jewish ‘Historic Right’ to Israel

Our political culture insists on seeing the Jews as the direct descendants of the ancient Hebrews. But the Jews never existed as a ‘people’ – still less as a nation. Until World War II, the vast majority of Eastern and Western…

Liberté, Égalité, Impérialisme!

“Hotel Rwanda” is a touchstone of interventionist ideology, writes Ann Garrison. Debunking that script helps show why the closure of the assassination case against Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame serves Western interests. By Ann Garrison Black Agenda Report   Most Westerners…

Universal Basic Income Is Easier Than It Looks

by Ellen Brown Calls for a Universal Basic Income have been increasing, most recently as part of the Green New Deal introduced by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and supported in the last month by at least 40 members of Congress. A…

Corporate media smears WikiLeaks and Julian Assange

A number of corporate media outlets have begun the year by publishing scurrilous and derisive attacks against WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange. The coverage has the character of a coordinated political campaign, with the most sinister motives. Its aim…

PM Orbán’s much-awaited press conference: “The government cannot comment on business affairs.”

Prime minister Viktor Orbán held a press conference Thursday morning, making good on his July promise to answer questions by journalists before the end of 2018. In a way, he did. Today was a rare opportunity, as Viktor Orbán does…

British Tax Havens resist regulation with threats of independence

“British overseas territories win reprieve after threatening legal action or secession”. The Guardian reports that “The government has been accused of defying parliament by delaying plans to require British tax havens such as the British Virgin Islands to bring in public registers…

Hungarian protests call for general strike and a regime change

The wave of protests that started in December resumed last week with several smaller protests all over different towns of Hungary culminating in a larger demonstration in Budapest on Saturday.  Not long before Christmas, the Hungarian Parliament passed the Overtime…

Fascism and jihad: the hatechildren of neoliberalism and war. Compassion to the rescue!

What is the best way to prevent a catastrophe? So many people have a sense of foreboding that  we are heading towards disaster that proposals are not discussed calmly and amicably but rather everybody is trying to impose their preferred…

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