

Treaty of Versailles began the modern era of multilateralism – 100 years on, is a new world older emerging?

Dan Plesch, SOAS, University of London for The Conversation “Rubbish in, rubbish out” – it’s as true of international organisations as it is of computers. And it’s an aphorism worth keeping in mind as we think of the Paris Peace…

The fear that lies behind aggressive masculinity

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Why do so many men love Jordan Peterson and hate the Gillette ad? If they’re truly strong they don’t need to prove their virility. What strikes me most is the fragility. Gillette makes an advertisement…

The Mythology of Modern Israel

by Tariq Ali1 This article is a transcription extracted from a conference at Rothko Chapel.   “… In order to create a myth to justify the existence of the state (Israel), the Zionist leaders of Israel had two arguments: – one,…

Julian Assange, Lord Carlile of Berriew, and the UK justice system

According to public notes by Lord Carlile of Berriew, former External Reviewer of Anti-terror Legislation for the Minister of Interior and anti-terror expert, Assange is wanted in relationship to sex crimes…  To the best of my knowledge it is a…

America Has Its Gunsights on Venezuela

By Vijay Prashad 1 Source: Independent Media Institute This article was produced by Globetrotter, a project of the Independent Media Institute.   Last Thursday—on January 10—Nicolas Maduro was sworn in for his second term as president of Venezuela. “I tell the people,”…

A New Spectre Is Haunting Europe

After Teresa May’s defeat in the British parliament it is clear that a new spectre is haunting Europe. It is no longer the spectre of communism, which opens Marx’s Manifesto of 1848; it is the spectre of the failure of…

Brief History Notes on Mexican Immigration to the U.S.

The historical ties of Mexican immigrants to the U.S., specifically the Southwest, distinguishes people of Mexican origin from other immigrant groups, especially those from Europe. While Mexican immigrants continue to be demonized and characterized as “criminals,” “drug dealers,” “rapists,” “illegal…

Human Beings are Destroying Life on Earth but Deluding Ourselves that We are Not

It is easy to identify the ongoing and endless violence being inflicted on life on Earth. This ranges from the vast multiplicity of assaults inflicted on our children and the biosphere to the endless wars and other military violence as…

Assange’s martyrdom has no end in sight

It has been almost 7 years since Julian Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London to escape the extradition of the British authorities. If he steps outside the embassy door, he will be immediately arrested and most likely…

The Memo That Helped Kill a Half Million People in Syria

The memo shows the advice Hillary Clinton was getting to plunge the U.S. deeper into the Syrian war. The memo has again become relevant as Trump seeks to extricate the U.S. By Daniel Lazare First published here   A memo sent to…

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