

How can we move forward after the US withdrawal from the Iran deal?

by Zain Hussain for BASIC*. The Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPoA) is an international agreement restricting Iran’s nuclear programme, chiefly its uranium production and stockpile capacity and its heavy water reactor and production facilities. In response to Iranian compliance, it…

The NPT: a big distraction from the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

In April 2019, states parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty will meet in New York to continue their preparations for the 2020 edition of the 5-yearly revision conference. Hopes are not high, however, that anything will change in this forum…

World Youth Report: Addressing the Complex Challenges Facing Young People Today

Today, there are 1.2 billion young people aged 15 to 24 years, accounting for 16 per cent of the global population. The active engagement of youth in sustainable development efforts is central to achieving sustainable, inclusive and stable societies by…

The New York Times Is Scared of Peace

By David Swanson The New York Times and the people it gives voice to are very worried that Donald Trump may be too much in favor of peace in Korea, more in favor of peace than of disarming North Korea prior to…

How neoliberalism is normalising hostility

COUZE VENN 11 February 2019 for openDemocracy From working conditions to welfare policies, from immigration to the internet – this zero sum game of winners and losers benefits only the far right. The hostile environment is not just about the…

A World Party

By Roberto Savio* I  have been a member of the first international party: the Transnational Radical Party, founded in 1956 by Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino. Then in 1988, I was a wetness of the large protest, in Berlin West,…

Is Tulsi Gabbard for Real? USA Is Ready for a Genuine Peace Candidate

For the moment, Tulsi Gabbard seems to be the “real thing,” a genuine anti-war candidate who is determined to run on that platform. It might just resonate with the majority of American who have grown tired of perpetual warfare to…

Venezuela Under Washington’s Gun

by Paul Craig Roberts A full court press is taking place in Florida today (Presidents Day) with Republicans, Democrats, expatriates from Cuba and Venezuela and the fascist warmonger ministry of propaganda that constitutes the US media all denouncing Maduro and…

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman must walk geopolitical tightrope during Asian tour

By Dr James M Dorsey Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s three-nation tour of Asia is as much about demonstrating he stands tall – despite Western criticism of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the war in Yemen –…

Inside the Neoliberal Laboratory Preparing for the Theft of Venezuela’s Economy

By Justin Podur (1)   As we watch a U.S.-backed coup unfold in a distant country, as in Venezuela today, our eyes are drawn to the diplomatic, military, and economic elements of the U.S. campaign. The picture of a scowling…

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