

Clubs, Cartels and Bilderberg

‘After decades of neoliberalism, we are at the mercy of a cluster of cartels who are lobbying politicians hard and using monopoly power to boost profits.” Joseph Stiglitz, The Price of Inequality (2012) by Dr Binoy Kampmark —May 31, 2019…

A ‘Green New Deal’ needs to be global, not local

Rather than focusing just on ‘green jobs’ for British workers, a Green New Deal must recognise the UK’s climate debt and fossil-fuelled colonial past. Andrew Taylor , Harpreet Kaur Paul  30 May 2019, for openDemocracy ~ In the US and the UK,…

Anti-occupation coalition grows stronger in the face of Israeli military violence

When diaspora Jews and those living in Israel join with Palestinians, they forge a more powerful and just movement to end the occupation. ~By Rafi Ellenson May 24, 2019 I watched the Israeli Defense Forces throw several stun grenades — one…

Fossil Fuel Subsidies Mean Using Public Money ‘To Destroy the World’: UN Chief

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres’s comment follows call by Pope Francis to “keep it in the ground” ~ by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams As Pope Francis called on global financial leaders to help keep dirty energy in the ground,…

Despite Assange’s ill-health, Swedish court rejects delay to hearing

By Oscar Grenfell A Swedish district court this week rejected an application by Julian Assange’s lawyers for a June 3 hearing into bogus sexual misconduct allegations to be delayed. The ruling was made despite the fact that the WikiLeaks founder…

UN demands the immediate release of Catalan political prisoners in Spain

Catalonia’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Alfred Bosch, asks the Spanish authorities to comply with the Working Group’s decision In an official statement, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions demands the immediate release of three of the Catalan political prisoners. The UN Working Group,…

Climate Emergency Rally in NYC

Students gather Friday in Columbus Circle in New York for a student-led protest, part of many school climate strikes around the world, against a lack of action on climate issues and to raise awareness about climate change. Photos by Gustavo…

‘It Is Not a Forum for Coup-Mongering,…

… Venezuelan Official Says After US Walks Out of Arms Control Conference “We regret that the representative of the United States and its docile allies continue to bring to this forum matters that are outside the mandate.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer…

These Aliens Are Here to Stay (And They Are Dangerous)

By Baher Kamal No, no, no. Nothing to do with what US and Europe’s far-right fanatics now use to vociferate, saying once and again that “migrants come here to destroy our democracy, our civilisation, and our life-style”. Rather the complete…

Assange Is Indicted for Exposing War Crimes While Trump Considers Pardons for War Criminals

Web-only discussion with Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and Jeremy Scahill of The Intercept. They discuss the Justice Department’s decision to indict WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on 17 charges of violating the Espionage Act for publishing U.S. military and diplomatic…

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