

Inferno: From climate denial to planetary arson

By Dr Andrew Glikson The planetary consequences of injecting >910 billion tons CO2 into the atmosphere are playing in real time. The Arctic Circle is suffering from an unprecedented number of wildfires in the latest sign of a climate crisis. With…

“Staggering” Death Toll Feared in Bahamas as Thousands Remain Missing After Hurricane Dorian

As Hurricane Dorian lashes North Carolina and continues its path north, the death toll in the Bahamas has risen to 30 people. The actual number is expected to be far higher, with hundreds, if not thousands, still missing in the…

Teamwork behind first picture of black hole gets recognition

Although computer scientist Katie Bouman’s was the face that most appeared on the  internet because she designed an algorithm that produced the image, the extraordinary team that produced the first picture of a black hole was one of three working closely…

The Courage of Saying No: Children, Rebellion and Greta Thunberg

By Dr Binoy Kampmark There is something to be said of wariness when it comes to revolutionary voices.  As Albert Camus argued in that beautiful tract of illumination and contradiction, The Rebel, “All modern revolutions have ended in the reinforcement of…

The IPB Seán MacBride Peace Award 2019 goes to Elayne Whyte Gómez and Bruce Kent

Every year the International Peace Bureau (Nobel Peace Laureate 1910) awards a special prize to a person or organisation that has done outstanding work for peace, disarmament and/or human rights. These were the principal concerns of Sean MacBride, the distinguished…

Julián Castro’s Monolingualism: a Failure or Just Standard Assimilation?

Julián Castro, former San Antonio mayor, announced his candidacy for the US presidency in both English and Spanish. “Yo soy candidato para presidente de Estados Unidos” would not be surprising, considering his name. In fact, Castro’s Spanish is quite weak,…

This September is critical for our climate. Here’s what you can do.

By Aaron Gray-Block We have no time to waste. The Amazon is burning, the ice caps and glaciers are melting, and our access to food and water is under threat. September will be a month of action, packed with moments that will be pivotal…

Russia, United States attempt to legitimize killer robots

Russia and the United States are continuing their losing fight against the inevitable treaty that’s coming for killer robots. Most states participating in the diplomatic talks on lethal autonomous weapons systems have expressed their strong desire to negotiate a new…

‘Endemic Impunity’: UN Report on Yemen Says United States, France, and Britain May Be Complicit in War Crimes

“Five years into the conflict, violations against Yemeni civilians continue unabated, with total disregard for the plight of the people and a lack of international action to hold parties to the conflict accountable.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer Common Dreams…

The “deal of the century” is already on the ground before being on paper

Many recent developments signal an early implementation of the “deal of the century” despite Palestinian rejection. Yara Zarir for openDemocracy 25 August 2019 The “deal of the century” is the peace plan proposed by the Trump administration to end the…

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