

The climate strikes are about so much more than green colonialism

Solutions to the environmental crisis won’t come in the shape of a battery – they come in the shape of justice, reparations and equity. Asad Rehman for openDemocracy 20 September 2019 The past year has seen an unprecedented upsurge in…

Climate Change: A People-Centered Approach

By Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, President, Soka Gakkai International (SGI) “That which is common to the greatest number has the least care bestowed upon it,” observed Aristotle, highlighting an all-too-common human tendency. His warning is still relevant today, especially in our…

How the U.S. Institute of Peace Avoids Peace in Afghanistan

Four years ago, I wrote this after a meeting at the U.S. Institute of Peace: “The president of USIP Nancy Lindborg had an odd response when I suggested that inviting Senator Tom Cotton to come speak at USIP on the need for…

Will Americans Let Trump Start World War III for Saudi Arabia and Israel?

Co-Written by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies On Saturday, September 14th, two oil refineries and other oil infrastructure in Saudi Arabia were hit and set ablaze by 18 drones and 7 cruise missiles, dramatically slashing Saudi Arabia’s oil production by…

The World March for Peace and Nonviolence in the Vatican

It’s 9:00 in the morning, outside the Vatican. The representation of the Second World March for Peace and Nonviolence led by its founder, Rafael de la Rubia, is entering and is part of Pope Francis’ General Audience. Many people come…

Artificial Intelligence used for mass surveillance in 75 countries

By Steven Feldstein A new report from The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace finds that at least 75 countries are using facial recognition and other forms of artificial intelligence in order to surveil massive numbers of people. A growing number of…

New cross-party working group to support TPNW in German Parliament

Support for the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) keeps growing in the German Parliament. After 166 federal and over 200 regional parliamentarians pledged their support for the TPNW through the ICAN Parliamentary Appeal, a new cross-party…

Trade and investment treaties aggravate the climate crisis

The Campaign ‘No to trade and investment treaties’, made up of more than 100 organizations and of which Ecologistas en Acción is part, encourages the participation of citizens in the mobilizations of September 27. Trade and investment treaties are incompatible…

Roger Waters: count the nuclear weapons money

Release of video by Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) supporting Count the Nuclear Weapons Money Dear friends, In 1973, Pink Floyd released a hit song Money from the album Dark Side of the Moon, a number one selling album that remained…

Lives in Ecology

By John Scales Avery A new freely downloadable book I would like to announce the publication of a book, which reviews the lives and thoughts of some of the women and men who have addressed the crucial problems of ecology…

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