

Lives at risk if wireless technology demands are not held in check: UN weather watchdog

Amid growing competition for radio wave space due to new wireless technologies, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on Thursday called on governments to protect radio frequencies allocated to potentially life-saving weather forecasting services. Earth observation services vital to weather forecasts and long-term climate…

The demonstrations of international support for the Chilean people continue

Yesterday we published a photo-report with a significant number of demonstrations in support of the Chilean people that are being held in various places and today we continue to receive material from new similar actions. Here are the photos taken…

The right to protest, immediate demilitarization, and an end to human rights violations in Chile

By AUCH! (Autoras Chilenas. Local organisation of feminist authors)   Chile, October 24, 2019 Last week protests and acts of civil disobedience erupted in Santiago de Chile due to a rise in the price of the metro. This increase by…

NATO simulates nuclear war in Europe

Meanwhile, the information and the danger in which we live are hidden from us by governments. In secret manoeuvres in Germany and Holland, NATO is conducting simulations of what a nuclear war in Europe could look like, as revealed by…

The Passions of Mankind, by John Scales Avery

The Passions of Mankind, a new freely downloadable book. I would like to announce the publication of a book that discusses human emotions from an evolutionary perspective. The book consists mainly of book chapters and articles that I have previously…

XR Co-Founder Discusses Climate Emergency

Extinction Rebellion (“XR”) has hit the world stage like a flash of light with participants in more than 70 countries all within one year’s time. Its allure is simply “telling the truth” about the climate crisis… for a change. A…

Demonstrations of solidarity with Chile all over the world

The current social outbreak in Chile has attracted interest and support at an international level, and in several cities throughout the world there has been demonstrations in solidarity with the uprising outside the Chilean consulates or in landmarks of the…

The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence. From Marrakesh to Tenerife

From Antonio Gancedo’s blog Digest composed by Pressenza London The World March arrives in Marrakech October 15, 2019 At 7: 30 of that day 10 of October, the WM delegation left Larache for Marrakech, arriving directly at the Headquarters of the Law…

Guido Dalla Casa: we need to go beyond the way of living of industrial civilization

Guido Dalla Casa is an Italian scholar and essayist active in the ecologist movement promoting a radical critique of the current system. What are the main points of your critique and your proposals for change? The most significant points: We…

Pro-Democracy Movement in Haiti Swells Despite Lethal Police Violence

By Frances Madeson, Truthout It’s getting hard not to notice that U.S. corporate media is covering pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong far more than pro-democracy forces in the Caribbean. It can be challenging to catch up on significant events in…

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