

Inequality Threatening Human Development, New Global UN Report Warns

Despite global progress in tackling poverty, hunger and disease, a “new generation of inequalities” indicates that many societies are not working as they should, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) argues in its latest report released on Monday [9 December 2019]. …

Greta Thunberg at Madrid March: Hope in the Streets, Not the U.N. Climate Summit

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg also addressed Friday’s climate march in Madrid. “The hope is not within the walls of COP25; the hope is out here with you,” said Thunberg, who inspired the global youth strike movement. AMY GOODMAN: Swedish youth activist…

New Report on Ocean Oxygen Loss Gives ‘Ultimate Wake-Up Call’ to Act on Climate

By Andrea Germanos A new report on ocean oxygen loss released Saturday should serve as the “ultimate wake-up call” to take bold action to rein in planet-warming emissions and save the world’s “suffocating seas,” researchers said. The publication from the International Union for…

Too many of us? The demographic issue must not be a taboo

While concerns about climate change are increasing, the debate on the demographic issue has also got underway: can our planet feed 8 billion human beings? It is not easy to answer this question with a simple yes or no, depending…

An appeal to parents of the Climate Summit

Our Kids’ Climate and Parents For Future coordinated 222 climate parent groups in 27 countries and together signed a passionate appeal for delegates to the COP25 conference in Madrid to reflect on love for their own children and act to…

COP25: Alternative Climate Summit Honors Those “Suffering the Crimes of Transnational Corporations”

We broadcast from Madrid, Spain, where the United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP25, began Monday and will continue through next week, as environmental leaders from around the world gather to negotiate global solutions to the climate crisis. Activists…

The Huge Potential of Agriculture to Slow Climate Change

Soil’s contribution to climate change, through the oxidation of soil carbon, is important, and soils—and thus agriculture—can play a major role in mitigating climate change. “Through multiple agricultural practices, we could help store vast amounts of atmospheric carbon in the…

Brazilian Indigenous Leader Davi Kopenawa: Bolsonaro is Killing My People & Destroying the Amazon

Democracy Now! sat down with Indigenous leader Davi Kopenawa, one of this year’s Right Livelihood Award honorees, along with the organization he co-founded, Hutukara Yanomami Association. Kopenawa is a shaman of the Yanomami people, one of the largest Indigenous tribes…

Five Lessons for Journalism in the Age of Rage– & Where Lies Travel Faster Than Truth

By Karin Pettersson The news-media industry has long lamented how the digital revolution has broken its business models. Today, a majority of digital advertising money goes to Facebook and Google, and media companies are struggling to reinvent themselves through digital…

My Generation Needs to Say “Enough”: A Swedish Climate Striker Speaks Out About Fridays For Future

From Stockholm, Sweden, we’re covering the 40th Anniversary of the Right Livelihood Awards, widely known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize.” This year’s recipients include 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, whose school strike for climate started in Stockholm when she…

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