

Permafrost Hits a Grim Threshold

For tens of thousands of years, the Arctic’s carbon sink has been a powerful dynamic in the functionality of the Earth System. However, that all-important functionality has been crippled and could be permanently severed. According to new research based upon…

Our Vanishing World: Wildlife

Throughout its history, Earth has experienced five mass extinction events. See, for example, ‘Timeline Of Mass Extinction Events On Earth’. It is now experiencing the sixth. The Ordovician-Silurian Extinction, which occurred about 439 million years ago, wiped out 86% of…

COP25 Was a Failure, But Activists’ Collective Organizing at the Talks Was Unprecedented

The COP25 United Nations climate summit ended in failure Sunday, after negotiators failed to agree to a deal that would limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels — a key goal of the Paris Agreement. Scores of…

Climate Change – Where Are Our Economic Elites Headed?

As William Nordhaus illustrated in his Nobel award address in December last year, the free-rider problem is particularly severe for climate change. Those who do nothing ride free, while those who undertake costly reductions pay dearly. If an important player…

Climate Youth Declare: “We Are Unstoppable! Another World Is Possible!”

This year’s United Nations climate summit, dubbed “COP 25” for the 25th annual “conference of the parties” to the climate negotiations, heated up Wednesday as grassroots activists, youth and indigenous leaders protested en masse outside the main plenary hall. As…

Greta Thunberg Slams COP25, Says Response to Climate Crisis Is “Clever Accounting and Creative PR”

At the U.N. climate summit in Madrid, 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg addressed world leaders Wednesday, hours after she was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year. Thunberg came to the talks after a trip to meet with climate…

COP25. Leona Morgan: Continuing to produce nuclear energy is a major violation of human rights

Leona Morgan is part of the Nuclear Issue Study Group. A Navajo indigenous woman from New Mexico (USA), she has participated in the COP25 to denounce how their people and lands are being nuclearized for uranium mining -that threatens to…

What an audit of the British empire’s deadly toll in southern Africa would reveal

Wayne Dooling, SOAS, University of London for The Conversation In its 2019 election manifesto, the Labour Party pledged to conduct an “audit of the impact of Britain’s colonial legacy”, with the goal of understanding “our contribution to the dynamics of…

If You’re Not Busy Plotting Nonviolent Revolution for Peace and Climate, You’re Busy Dying

Roger Hallam is of course right in his short book, Common Sense for the 21st Century: Only Nonviolent Rebellion Can Now Stop Climate Breakdown and Social Collapse. While some portion of humanity heaps scorn on the victims of the fossil fuel…

The U.S. Has Almost No Official Presence at COP25 But Is Still “Obstructing Any Progress”

This week, Democracy Now! is broadcasting from inside the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain, where representatives from almost 200 countries have gathered to negotiate solutions to the climate crisis. Known as COP25 for “conference of parties,” the…

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