

USA Vs Iran: Six Decades of American Lies, Deceit and War Crimes

By Irwin, Jerome The war drums of a World War III in 2020 continue to beat louder and louder since President Trump’s illegal assassination of Iran’s General Qasem Soleimani in Tehran. The escalation of each new day’s recklessly-outrageous pronouncements by…

Short of Time: Julian Assange at the Westminster Magistrates Court

By Dr Binoy Kampmark Another slot of judicial history, another notch to be added to the woeful record of legal proceedings being undertaken against Julian Assange.  The ailing WikiLeaks founder was coping as well as he could, showing the resourcefulness…

How Generation Z is leading the climate movement

From the rise of organizations like Zero Hour to Greta Thunberg’s Fridays For Future, the youth climate movement is only just getting started. By Nick Engelfried For the first decade and a half of her life, Jamie Margolin was like…

Beyond Soleimani!

By Murtaza Shibli Finally, the storm over General Qassem Soleimani’s death seems to be over. Had it not been for the strategic restraint and wisdom of the Iranian regime, the war seemed imminent which would have certainly resulted in the…

A Rationale for Unbounded Organization: A Path to Positive Peace

By Howard Richards This is a proposal for a pragmatic, functional and realistic framework for talking, thinking and building institutions.1 The fundamental fact of human history and of social science is the existence of living human individuals. This implies the…

Mega Droughts Engulf Countries

Throughout the world, mega droughts are hitting hard with a ferocity not seen in decades and in some cases not seen in centuries. It’s not merely coincidental that as global warming accelerates droughts turn more vicious than ever before. All…

Human Extinction Now Imminent and Inevitable? A Report on the State of Planet Earth

There is a significant body of evidence that human extinction is now imminent; that is, it will occur within the next few years and possibly this year: 2020. There is also a significant body of evidence that human extinction is…

Andrew Bacevich: The U.S. Needs to Abandon “Militarized Approach” to Middle East and Build Peace

We continue our conversation with Andrew Bacevich, president and co-founder of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. He is a retired colonel, Vietnam War veteran and author of, most recently, of “The Age of Illusions: How America Squandered Its Cold…

10 Ways Trump’s Actions Against Iran Hurt Americans and the Region

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies The U.S. assassination of General Qassem Soleimani has not yet plunged us into a full-scale war with Iran thanks to the Iranian government’s measured response, which demonstrated its capabilities without actually harming…

Guterres Calls For De-escalating ‘Dangerous’ Geopolitical Tensions

By Ramesh Jaura “Stop escalation. Exercise maximum restraint. Re-start dialogue. Renew international cooperation.” This is the four-point message of UN Secretary-General António Guterres spelling out what needs to happen now, in capitals across the world, to de-escalate geopolitical tensions, which…

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