

International Court of Justice Orders Burmese Authorities to Protect Rohingya Muslims from Genocide

In a major ruling, the U.N. International Court of Justice at The Hague has ordered Burma to “take all measures within its power” to protect Rohingya Muslims from genocide. The court issued the ruling Thursday, calling the 600,000 Rohingya remaining…

How Is Washington ‘Liberating’ Free Countries

By Andre Vltchek There are obviously some serious linguistic issues and disagreements between the West and the rest of the world. Essential terms like “freedom”, “democracy”, “liberation”, even “terrorism”, are all mixed up and confused; they mean something absolutely different…

Coronavirus outbreak: WHO’s decision to not declare a global public health emergency explained

Tom Solomon, University of Liverpool for The Conversation The World Health Organization’s decision to not declare the novel coronavirus outbreak in China a public health emergency of international concern, or PHEIC, will surprise many. The number of reported cases and…

Face 2 Face with Seth Shelden

On this show we speak with Seth Shelden, United Nations Liaison with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). Seth speaks the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), the first legally-binding international agreement to comprehensively prohibit nuclear…

Split Hearings: The Assange Extradition Case Drags On

By Dr Binoy Kampmark It is being increasingly larded with heavy twists and turns, a form of state oppression in slow motion, but the Julian Assange extradition case now looks like it may well move into the middle of the…

UN chief outlines solutions to defeat ‘four horsemen’ threatening our global future

The start of the New Year finds the world facing four looming threats to human progress: surging geopolitical tensions, the climate crisis, global mistrust and the downsides of technology, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday. Global tensions mounting For…

New government in Lebanon still failing to diffuse protests as many raise slogan: Revolution, Revolution

By Countercurrents Collective More than three months of political blockade have passed since protests in Lebanon erupted. A new government has sworn-in. Still violent protests continue with call for an end to corruption, economic woes and sectarian politics. Protesters have…

Standing United: Connecting Nonviolence

By j.jill “United We Stand” is a motto best-known for the July 1942 campaign to stimulate emotion and capital for United States entry into the Second World War. Yet, its origin heralds to 1768s “The Liberty Song” by John Dickinson…

Women Activists Escalate Demand for “Bodily Autonomy” as 19 Nations Dissent

By Thalif Deen The United States and 18 other UN member states have come under fire for denying a woman’s legitimate right to “bodily autonomy”—the right to self-governance over one’s own body without coercion or external pressure. The Executive Director…

Is Iraq Now a Virtual “US-Occupied Territory”?

By Thalif Deen Pat Buchanan, a senior advisor to three US Presidents and twice candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, once infamously described the United States Congress as “Israeli-occupied territory” -– apparently because of its unrelentingly blind support for the…

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