

Buddhist Leader Calls for Nuclear Weapons Free Security

By Ramesh Jaura An eminent Buddhist philosopher and nuclear disarmament advocate has tabled four critical initiatives to “contribute to the creation of a sustainable global society where all can live with dignity and a sense of security”. The initiatives cover…

‘The Saddest Thing Is That This Won’t Be Breaking News’: Concentration of CO2 Hits Record High of 416 ppm

“Emissions from fossil fuels and deforestation need to be reduced to ZERO to stop this trend!” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere hit a record high Monday, a reading from the National Oceanic…

Social tensions increase in Canada as blockades and protests calling for RCMP withdrawal from Wet’suwet’en territory

Near many cities in Canada First Nation people have been active setting up blockages on rail lines to show solidarity with the Wetsuwet’en First Nation. They are saying they will not be leaving the  rail lines blockages until the RCMP leaves…

Protest in Vancouver. Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrested journalists covering Wet’suwet’en injunction

“Today Chantelle Bellrichard tried to go to Unistoten for CBC. She was stopped at 44 and told she couldn’t proceed because a bridge, that she witnessed other vehicles using, was unsafe. RCMP detained our journalist Friday, and wouldn’t let him…

Italy: Revoke Abusive Anti-Asylum Decrees

Draconian Migration Measures Put Lives, Rights at Risk Italy’s Democratic Party-Five Star Movement coalition government should revoke anti-asylum and anti-rescue measures held over from the previous government, Human Rights Watch said today. The government is expected to propose modifications to two…

Curbing The Coronavirus – While Targeting China

By Dr Chandra Muzaffar We are inundated with an avalanche of information on the novel coronavirus infection. Within this avalanche, there is a lot of “news” that is clearly false. Those responsible for such news can be classified into two…

Edmonton. Protest against Oil Teck Frontier project

“The Teck Frontier project would mean devastation for all our wildlife we depend on. All that is going to be compromised and destroyed forever.” said Jean L’Hommecourt of the Fort McKay First Nation. (Edmonton Journal) As many as 70 demonstrators…

A Climate Time Bomb With Trump’s Name Inscribed

Thwaites, in West Antarctica, is the world’s most dangerous glacier. As of January 15th, scientists have labeled it: “A Climate Time Bomb.” Thwaites is crumbling apart on the underneath side where warm ocean currents circulate, which is clear evidence that…

Humans Love Violence: Gandhi and the World Economic Forum

As we observe the 72nd anniversary of the assassination of Mohandas K. Gandhi on 30 January 1948, it is worth reflecting on one simple fact that he did not realize. His efforts to teach humanity that conflict, including violent conflict,…

The System will fall soon… everywhere

By Petur Gudjonsson Some time ago we wrote about the difference between the new and the old mental landscape, also suggesting that the old landscape is on its way out, or if you like; that the system that we know,…

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