

COVID-19: The Wrath of the gods?

Mythological stories are rich with narratives referring to the grave sins of man, heaping down the wrath of the gods upon them in the form of floods, plague, fire and famine. Sometimes these crimes were perpetrated against the natural order…

First Person: ‘Fate’ of Italian nurse, and countless other health workers, depends on protective clothing

A 24-year-old nurse in Italy who is treating patients with the deadly COVID-19 virus has been describing how her “fate” on any given day is dependent on how well she dresses in her protective clothing. Laura Lupi works at a…

The State of the World’s Nursing 2020 Report – An In-Depth Look at the Largest Component of the Health Workforce

GENEVA, 7 April 2020 (WHO)* — The Covid-19 pandemic underscores the urgent need to strengthen the global health workforce. A new report, The State of the World’s Nursing 2020, provides an in-depth look at the largest component of the health…

The U.S. Should Fight COVID, Not Venezuela

By Leonardo Flores On April 1, the Trump administration hijacked a COVID-19 press conference to announce the deployment of U.S. Navy vessels and other military assets towards Venezuela. According to Defense Secretary Mark Esper, “included in this force package are…

10 years ago today WikiLeaks released ‘Collateral Murder’

DiEM25 Communications Exactly 10 years ago WikiLeaks released a US military video depicting the slaying of over a dozen people in Iraq. Today is April 5. Exactly 10 years ago WikiLeaks released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate…

COVID-19 Pandemic and the Global Humanity

By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD. Has civilization taught us to be more friendly towards one another? Asked Bertrand Russell, the British philosopher and intellectual and explains further: …Within the herd we are more friendly to each other than are many…

Measures against COVID-19 need to include refugees and migrants

WHO Regional Office for Europe A new publication highlights the importance of addressing the needs of refugees and migrants when preparing for or responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Refugees and migrants, particularly those who are displaced and/or living in camps…

The Corona – An opportunity to replace militarist security with common and human security. Part 1

Governments have spent trillions on preparing for military threats created by their own policies. No one prioritised human and societal security. The unique over-reaction to COVID-19 should worry us much more than the virus itself. It can be seen as…

In a Pandemic, The Bomb Looks Different

Everything looks different through the lens of Covid-19. by Vicki Elson and Timmon Wallis.* If we can suddenly mobilize trillions of dollars to prop up the economy, why can’t we mobilize trillions to provide better food, shelter, and health care…

After the pandemic: the “what”, the “how” and the “who”

There is much debate about what the world will be like after the pandemic, and we really don’t even know when that will be. It may be that in some countries contagion will peak in a few weeks and then…

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