

Botched Infiltration of Venezuela Leaves Guaidó Tainted Beyond Repair

By Leonardo Flores The latest chapter in the ongoing effort to overthrow the Venezuelan government reads like a bad spy thriller: a group of mercenaries piloted speedboats from Colombia to Venezuela; half of them were killed or captured by Venezuelan…

Zoom fatigue: how to make video calls less tiring

Many new phrases have entered our vocabulary as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. “Zoom fatigue” refers to the mental exhaustion associated with online video conferencing. We can change how we interact on video calls with adapted social…

25 Years After the Indefinite Extension of The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: A Field of Broken Promises and Shattered Visions

“I long ago took to heart the words of Omar Bradley, spoken virtually a half century ago, when he observed, having seen the aftermath of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, thus: ‘We live in an age of nuclear giants…

The refugee who gave hope to other victims

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee made a movie about the Russian asylum-seeker, Alexei Torubarov. His eventful and touching story illustrates how unfairly refugees are demonized. The case of our client persecuted for his political views had to be brought before the Court of Justice…

Climate change has already made parts of the world too hot for humans

By Adam Vaughan Global warming has already made parts of the world hotter than the human body can withstand, decades earlier than climate models expected this to happen. Jacobabad in Pakistan and Ras al Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates…

US Blocks UN Global Ceasefire Resolution, Objecting to Indirect Reference to World Health Organization

“It’s bad enough that Trump is responsible for so many deaths in his own country, now he is actively complicit in causing even more across the globe.” By Julia Conley, staff writer – Common Dreams International diplomats were stunned and…

Emerging Across the #Globe: Potentially Fatal Combinations of #Heat and #Humidity

US Gulf Coast among regions hit with conditions not expected for decades. Most everyone knows that humid heat is harder to handle than the “dry” kind. And recently, some scientists have projected that later in the century, in parts of…

Time for the World Bank and IMF to Be the Solution, Not the Problem

By Franciscka Lucien and Joel Curtain The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have a historic opportunity to help stabilize a world reeling from COVID-19. Doing so will require the institutions to change course and aggressively support poor…

Profiting from the Pandemic: Will Pharmaceutical Giants Use Patents to Limit Access to COVID Drugs?

As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide approaches 4 million and the pandemic could be with us for months or years, we look at who can access drugs like Remdesivir, being developed by pharmaceutical giant Gilead, which has the patent…

Are Japanese ‘murder hornets’ invading North America?

It’s unlikely they will murder you, but they pose a serious threat to honey bees In early May, the New York Times reported that the United States faced yet another new threat besides the COVID-19 pandemic: “murder hornets” from Asia.…

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