

Covid recovery and radical social change

A post-Covid world must genuinely value care, embrace vulnerability, and attack the existing structures of privilege. The view that radical societal change has been taking place during the Covid-19 pandemic has been expressed by progressive figures and organisations. For example,…

Fauci Admits Penchant for Facts About Covid-19 Threat Explains Why He’s Not on TV So Much Anymore

As one critic of the White House pointed out this week, keeping the top public health expert off the air makes sense if the goal is “not public safety but to avoid making the president look bad—no matter the cost.”…

Massive Attack: Eutopia in Three Acts

It is hard to overstate the contribution made by Massive Attack to the music world and beyond it over decades. Formed in 1988 in Bristol, UK, they released one of the most iconic singles of 1991, “Unfinished Sympathy“. After this…

VenezolanosConBiden and MAGAzuela: Two sides of the same coin

By Leonardo Flores The Biden campaign held an online event on Wednesday, July 8 pitched as the former Vice President’s “vision for Venezuela and Venezuelans in the U.S.” Spoiler alert: his vision for Venezuela barely differs from President Trump. This…

Overcoming Fear: the Way of the Ippocrate Movement

Many times, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the topic of possible virus treatments came up and sparked controversy. On the initiative of Mauro Rango, an Italian passionate about medicine who lives in Rodrigues (Republic of Mauritius), a study group was formed…

Instead of Focusing on Russian Bounties to the Taliban, Why Doesn’t the U.S. End the Afghan War?

Lawmakers are outraged over a recent story alleging that Vladimir Putin may be paying off Taliban soldiers to kill U.S. troops. But why are those troops still in Afghanistan? By Sonali Kolhatkar The New York Times in late June published…

Watershed data indicates more than a trillion dollars of corporate profit smuggled into tax havens

UK, Switzerland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands – the “axis of tax avoidance” – are responsible for 72 per cent of global tax losses Analysis of new OECD data published yesterday, on the basis of a reporting standard developed by the…

¿Madness or inspiration?: Great Celebration in Prague’s Charles Bridge

Yesterday, Prague celebrated both the end of the pandemic and the arrival of the longed-for summer holidays. The organizer, Ondřej Kobza, highlighted the importance of socializing and connecting with others. He chose the Karlsbrücke (Charles Bridge) particularly because, unlike walls,…

Remember your humanity – Anniversaries of Russell-Einstein Manifesto, ICJ case and Rainbow Warrior bombing

This Thursday, July 9, is the 65th anniversary of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto, a ground-breaking event that gave rise to the establishment of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs in 1957 (awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995) and…

Facing History and Ourselves: Full Spectrum Dominance from White Supremacy to Hiroshima & Nagasaki

“If justice is indivisible, it follows that our struggles against injustice must be united” – Angela Davis. “the image of these police officers squeezing the life out of Floyd might serve as a metaphor for the way U.S. Administrations have…

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