

Trending Rights Tweets of 2020

Helicopters in the United States. Bullets in Nigeria. Security forces in Belarus. Water cannon in Thailand. Countries around the world sought to quash peaceful protest in 2020, before and after the pandemic, but people seeking freedom and demanding change took…

WHO Chief Says ‘We Must Ensure That All People at Risk Everywhere—Not Just in Countries Who Can Afford Vaccines—Are Immunized’

His comments came one year into the public health crisis and as the U.K. became the first country to approve a vaccine from AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford that is cheaper and easier to distribute. By Jessica Corbett, One…

Water, “The Ultimate Commodity”, (*) Has Entered the Stock Market. Poor water!

Entering the stock exchange is the result of a long series of steps. In the beginning there was …. the ‘petrolization’ of water. They announced it, proclaimed it since the 1970s. The “petrolization of water” (1) has driven the way…

Drone Murder Has Been Normalized

If I search on Google for the words “drones” and “morality” most of the results are from 2012 through 2016. If I search for “drones” and “ethics” I get a bunch of articles from 2017 to 2020. Reading the various…

Western Sahara: A Rare Look Inside Africa’s Last Colony as U.S. Recognizes Moroccan Occupation

The United States has become the first nation in the world to recognize Morocco’s annexation of Western Sahara. The Trump administration announced the major policy shift on December 10 — International Human Rights Day — as part of a deal…

Iran Joins China, Russia, EU, France, Germany and UK in Reaffirming Commitment to ‘Nuclear Deal’

By Robert Johnson Amid speculations about Iran’s reaction to the assassination of the country’s eminent nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on a road outside of Tehran on November 27, participants in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) have reiterated their commitment to preserving the…

Indigenous Leaders want Traditional Knowledge to be Centrepiece of New Global Biodiversity Framework

By Alison Kentish Once omitted from biodiversity treaty negotiations, indigenous people now have a say in a landmark global framework expected to be signed by 190 countries The picturesque Mahuat River in Dominica is one of 8 communities that make up…

The virus that shut down the world: The yawning gulf between rich and poor

Inequality between the rich and poor worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic and poverty increased, for the first time in decades. In part two of our series on how the virus has changed the world, we look at the ways the…

UN: increasing support for moratorium on executions

During the December 16th vote, a large majority of the General Assembly Member States voted for the eighth time in favour of a resolution against executions, so that another step has been taken towards the global abolition of the death…

Can we save Assange? Abby Martin, Snowden, Chomsky, Varoufakis, Greenwald & others speak out!

In this video, we compile our work on the case of Julian Assange & press freedom that we undertook from 2014 until now. Given how the coronavirus pandemic has adversely affected our donations in 2020, we are unsure if we…

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