

Why Delivery Workers Across the Planet Are Rising Up Against Exploitation

Even before the crisis of the pandemic, food delivery companies have seen their profits skyrocket while their so-called “self-employed” workers suffer rights violations and were banned from unionizing. By Taroa Zúñiga Silva On February 22, 2019, at 6 p.m., a…

The U.S. Is Trying to Light the Match of Islamic Extremism in China’s Xinjiang

“Kashgar is a key location for the land and sea interface of the Belt and Road, connecting not only westward to West Asia, Europe, the Red Sea, and Africa, but also southward to the Indian Ocean through the port of…

Myanmar: “The people will not surrender until the military junta is overthrown”

In Myanmar, a Southeast Asian country formerly known as Burma, on February 1, the Tatmadaw, the national Army, regained power with a coup, declaring a state of emergency for a year and arresting civilian leaders, whose government it had been…

The Chinese Mars lander: how Zhurong will attempt to touch down on the red planet

For the first few months of 2021, the Martian atmosphere was buzzing with new visitors from Earth. First, it was the UAE Space Agency’s Hope probe, followed by the Chinese Tianwen-1 entering orbit. More recently Nasa landed the biggest-ever rover…

Defending our forests

Are Rights of Nature the answer to our ecological crises? In 2020, felling of ancient woodlands had begun along the planned route of the UK’s new HS2 high-speed rail line. At Jones’ Hill Wood in Buckinghamshire – the literary inspiration…

FROM THE FIELD: Rights of indigenous peoples highlighted in UN photo exhibit

The rights of indigenous people to make decisions about their cultural heritage and traditional way of life is being recognized in a United Nations photo exhibition. The UN estimates there are some 476 million indigenous people in more than 90…

French group collects funds to support Covid-19 vaccination in Cuba

France Cuba solidarity association on Monday launched a new call to provide funds on French soil to purchase syringes and needles for the Covid-19 vaccination in Cuba. With its call, the association with more than six decades of support to…

Almost Everything Biden Said About Ending the Afghanistan War Was a Lie

While Americans hailed the announcement that the U.S. would withdraw troops from Afghanistan after nearly two decades of war, President Biden left out the most important details about the war and how it will in fact continue. By Sonali Kolhatkar…

The China Fear Factor

America vs. China: “A Clash of Civilizations” Hillary Clinton famously said, “’I don’t want my grandchildren to live in a world dominated by the Chinese.” During his tenure, President Obama launched his “Pivot to Asia,” moving 60% of US naval…

Earth Day: Humans and Not Capitalism for our Survival

‘…the struggle against inequality and for the destruction of capital is innately linked with the struggle for man-nature dialectics of the higher order, where the earth does not remain a commodity to be exploited.’ Tikender Singh Panwar “International Earth Day”…

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