

Israel & Palestine: Stop the Carnage! Cease Demolitions and Evictions.

Statement of Campaign for Peace Disarmament and Common Security Board. The world is confronting yet another round of death and destruction in the Middle East with the ever-present danger of regional Israeli-Palestinian conflict escalating into wider conflagration. Ending the carnage…

Seaspiracy’s Nightmarish Odyssey

Seaspiracy is a powerful new documentary about the hazardous, unruly world of industrial fishing and stomach-churning abuse, overuse, disregard for life, as shown on Netflix, released by Disrupt Studios March 24th 2021. The opening scene of the film sets the…

How Bill Gates Set the Stage for Modi’s Disastrous Response to COVID-19 in India

India’s incompetent, vainglorious leadership, combined with the right-wing belief in magical capitalism, has led to the disaster that the country is now facing. By Prabir Purkayastha While the incompetence of the Indian government is starkly visible in its handling of…

No more tax tricks! Global minimum tax for corporations could raise 100 billion

What may seem impossible to employees is common practice for multinationals: they shift their profits around the world until they no longer have to pay taxes on them. A global minimum tax on corporate profits could put an end to tax evasion.…

The Tragedy of Palestine is the Fate of the Human Race

When President Biden recently announced the world’s news that “Israel has a right to defend itself”, it was like a stab in the heart of every true lover of freedom and democracy in the world who desires the very best…

Ground the Drones!

There are a number of hurdles to clear before you can get people to support banning armed drones or surveillance drones. One is the existence of good drones. It seems silly, but it is the number one cause of failures…

Freedom of the Press 2021: Greece in 70th Place in the World

The  World Press Freedom Index 2021  published by Reporters without Borders (RSF) shows that journalism, “the basic vaccine against misinformation”, is being blocked completely or in part in 73% of the 180 countries which the organization monitors. This year’s Index,…

The need for digital democratization is gaining space in the social agenda

With the aim of understanding and socializing the characteristics of the current techno-digital system and identifying strategies of struggle to curb the unwarranted corporate monopolistic appropriation of these technologies, the Sessions “Utopias or Dystopias. The Peoples of Latin America and…

Amid Eid ul-Fitr celebrations, a look at the Muslim presence in the Caribbean

Written by Fausia A. Eid is an Islamic feast of togetherness From Barbados’ Quran memorisers (hafiz) and Guyana’s religious radio programmes to open-air, socially distanced Arabic classes in Trinidad and Tobago, Muslims and their religious practices have been a part of…

On the violence in Israel and Palestine

Pressenza republishes here the text of the statement released by the Middle East Treaty Organization issued today. The latest violent conflict between Palestine and Israel further destabilises an already volatile region. The Middle East continues to face insecurity, instability and…

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