

The Net Zero Mirage

“Net Zero by 2050” is the rallying cry of scientists and policymakers throughout the world. However, that epithet echoes past decades of climate change/global warming mitigation plans, one after another, all failures. The world’s continuing failure to come to grips…

‘Landslide Victory for Climate Justice’: Court Rules Shell Must Cut CO2 Emissions 45% by 2030

“This is a turning point in history,” said an attorney who noted that the ruling “may also have major consequences for other big polluters.” By Jessica Corbett Climate campaigners worldwide are celebrating after a Dutch court on Wednesday ordered fossil…

74th World Health Assembly: “The Future of the Species is at Stake”

This was one of the statements which Dr. Carlos Ferreyra, Argentinian medical epidemiologist and climate activist, made in an interview which he gave to Pressenza on the occasion of the 74th World Health Assembly, and as promoter of the 1st…

Dramatic Arrest of Journalist by Belarus Highlights US Targeting of Snowden in 2013

“Downing aircraft to pursue the arrest of dissidents has always been outrageous,” the NSA whistleblower said Monday. By Kenny Stancil While the dramatic arrest of dissident journalist Roman Protasevich by the Belarusian government over the weekend was fiercely condemned worldwide, press freedom advocates…

It’s Past Time to End U.S. Funding of Israeli Violence

What else could billions of American tax dollars buy instead of innocent deaths? By Sonali Kolhatkar At the end of 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic was continuing to ravage the populations of many nations, Israel stood out as a success…

29th of May: First meeting of the Council of Wisdoms of the Earth’s Peoples

The Multiconvergence of Global Networks (MRG) is an articulation that aggregates global networks for mutual support, dialogue, development of common strategies and planning of joint actions. It is not an institution, but a confluence of global civil society networks that…

74th World Health Assembly begins

The 74th World Health Assembly, organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), will be held virtually from today, May 24, 2021, until June 1. The Assembly “will focus on the end of the COVID-19 pandemic and on the preparation for…

Russkiy Mir Expanding its Activities into Asia and Africa

As popularly known Russian NGO, Russkiy Mir has been operating abroad. Its primary function is to strengthen Russian language and Russian literature and culture in foreign countries. Within that framework, Asia and Africa are interesting and important for this organization.…

Morocco uses migration to win economic improvements and support from Europe in the Western Sahara conflict

In the early hours of Monday morning, 17 May, dozens of Moroccans, who ended up numbering around 8,000, began to enter Ceuta, the Spanish enclave city on Moroccan Territory. They did so by swimming, crossing the Tarajal and Benzú spurs…

US Trying to Extradite Venezuelan Diplomat for the ‘Crime’ of Securing Food for the Hungry: The Case of Alex Saab v. The Empire

The case of Alex Saab raises dangerous precedents in terms of extraterritorial judicial abuse, violation of diplomatic status, and even the use of torture to extract false confessions. This is according to Montréal-based international human rights lawyer John Philpot. He…

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