

China calls for investigations of genocides in western countries

Genocide is a severe international crime that has brought untold misery to people in history and whose devastating impacts are still being felt today, Jiang Duan, minister of the Chinese mission to the United Nations (UN) in Geneva, said in…

The moral dilemma, if left unaddressed, drowns us

The COVID-19 phenomenon, at a global level, has not only left in its wake deaths, family breakdown, deepening of social inequalities and transformations in the education system. COVID-19 has also allowed us to see and touch that which has always…

Vaccine Apartheid and the Delta Variant

The term “delta” in science and mathematics denotes a difference, or a gap; as in the delta between two values. In geography, a delta is where a river meets the sea, spreading out, covering the most area in its course.…

A humanist social network is born

Social networks have become a very necessary tool in our daily coexistence, we believe that for most of us there is no doubt about it. That is why was born. Little by little they came into our lives as…

How a U.S. Congressman Took on the U.S. Blockade Against Venezuela

By Celina della Croce On a cold winter day in February 2019, activists gathered in downtown Northampton, Massachusetts, to denounce the attempted U.S.-backed coup in Venezuela. More than two years later, in the wake of ongoing rallies and discussions with…

Face 2 Face with Tomás Hirsch

LIVE SHOW on Friday 25th at 11 AM EST On this show we speak with Tomás Hirsch Chilean Congress Deputy with Action Humanist, about Chile approving the International Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which was promoted by ICAN…

How Biden Helped Hardliner Raisi Win Iran Election

It was common knowledge that a U.S. failure to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal (known as the JCPOA) before Iran’s June presidential election would help conservative hard-liners to win the election. Indeed, on Saturday, June 19, the conservative Ebrahim Raisi…

IHP on International Refugee Day: “Bridges not walls”.

Refugees and displaced persons are neither pariahs nor illegals Today is the day that the UN has set since 2001, to make the situation of refugees and displaced persons in the world especially visible. The date was set in commemoration…

We must refuse the Europeanization of French deterrence through the FCAS

·       Mounir Satouri (Greens/EFA, EELV) ·       Jordi Solé i Ferrando (Greens/EFA, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) ·       Diana Riba i Giner (Greens/EFA, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) ·       Özlem Demirel (GUE, Die Linke)   Germany, Spain and France have entered, these past few…

Of Perpetrators, Victims and Collaborators

80th anniversary of the invasion of the Soviet Union: No commemoration by the German government and Bundestag, German President under attack because of his commemoration address in the Karlshorst Museum. The German invasion of the Soviet Union 80 years ago…

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