

Harnessing the enormous untapped power of celebrity to help social movements

Building on the long legacy of activist entertainers, here are five ways movements for justice and famous supporters can partner to promote change. By Paul Engler Today there exist significant numbers of celebrities with progressive politics and a desire to…

Myanmar’s planned Rohingya repatriation process must be smoothly implemented, continual, sustainable

Despite some ongoing crises worldwide, a piece of good news for the world is that Myanmar expresses its interest in taking back/repatriating some Rohingyas (estimated 700 Rohingya primarily) in Rakhine. Although the estimated number of refugees in Rohingya repatriation in…

Rage Against the War Machine on February 19

On February 19 in Washington D.C., a major rally and march will bring forth the following demands. Sister events listed on the website at are being planned in Montpelier, Sacramento, Fresno, Ann Arbor, Los Angeles, Tacoma, Santa Cruz,…

Roger Waters full speech at the UN security council.

Roger Waters, co-founder of  Pink Floyd, addressed the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting today, Wednesday 8, 2023 in New York. (video below) Madame/Mr President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. I feel profoundly honoured to be afforded this singular opportunity to…

A universal spirit manifests itself as material and spiritual aid to Turkey and the Aleppo region (Syria)

Two large earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 on the Richter scale led to dozens of aftershocks: it is one of the most violent earthquakes in more than 100 years that struck Monday, February 6 in the region of Gaziantep…

What is China’s actual human rights record in the global context?

The Western version of human rights has long dominated the global discourse, an inevitable outcome powered by pervasive cultural exports and hefty economic clout. But as developed nations champion rights issues while savaging less advanced countries on such pretexts, they…

Diplomatic Cables Prove Top U.S. Officials Knew They Were Crossing Russia’s Red Lines on NATO Expansion

Nearly a year in, the war in Ukraine has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and brought the world to the brink of, in President Joe Biden’s own words, “Armageddon.” Alongside the literal battlefield, there has been a similarly bitter…

In Support of Pope Francis’s Initiative for Peace Negotiations: David Andersson

Please, watch and share this short testimony: February 4: LIVE CONFERENCE — In Support of Pope Francis’s Initiative for Peace Negotiations When: Feb 4, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: The Age of Reason or the Annihilation…

February 4: LIVE CONFERENCE — In Support of Pope Francis’s Initiative for Peace Negotiations

Leaders from around the world are standing together to stop nuclear war. Watch this special series to find out why they are in support of Pope Francis’s initiative for peace negotiations and why you must attend this very important conference,…

The Winter Coup Season in Latin America: Coverage by the Democratic Party-aligned Liberal US Press

Coup attempts have gone viral this winter season in Latin America. The contagion spread first to Argentina, then Peru, and finally Brazil on January 8. In addition, Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua continue to suffer from long-term US regime-change efforts. Coverage…

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