

The Biggest Treasure I Found After Five Decades in Archaeology

Flush with my newly minted university degree, I sat down for breakfast with my entrepreneurial grandfather who met me with the question, “So you want to study to be an archaeologist, go to graduate school, how do you plan to…

Putin calls for ‘humanism and mercy’ after Moscow terror attack

Some Russian lawmakers have called for reinstating the death penalty Creativity, humanism and mercy are of special importance in the aftermath of the Crocus City Hall massacre, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday. His comments came as lawmakers in…

Diana Reappears: A new neighborhood memorial

By Maxine Lowy* Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame Blessed is the flame that burns in the heart’s secret places.  Hannah Szenes, 1944 On a southern hemisphere spring afternoon in 1974, on November 18 to be exact, a…

The ten years enforced disappearances of Baloch students leader, Zahid and Asad Baloch

The enforced disappearances of Baloch student leaders Zahid Baloch and Asad Baloch have completed ten years. Ten years ago, on this day, Pakistani law enforcement agencies abducted the two Baloch student leaders from Quetta, the capital city of Balochistan, on…

European elections 2024: a chance for peace

Imagine living a few years before the First or Second World War, knowing the grave consequences it would have had for humanity. What measures should we have taken to avoid a tragedy of such proportions? Unfortunately, we find ourselves in…

U.S. Has Produced More Oil Than Any Country in History for Six Consecutive Years

According to a new analysis by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the United States has produced the most crude oil globally for six years in a row — more than any nation in history during that time. In 2023, the daily average crude…

We Need Feminism Free of Condescension 

The following is from a speech by CODEPINK co-director, Danaka Katovich, given at Palestinian Feminist Collective’s International Working Women’s Day Vigil for Palestine on Friday March 8th I was three years old when CODEPINK was founded, by women I still…

It’s the Story of Tea on the Table Calendar

What would the world do without tea! That was an important line from a chapter in the textbook, which our high school teacher pronounced dramatically. Our beloved English teacher also threw light on Sydney Smith, the 18th-century British writer, who…

CALL for an Olympic Truce during the Paris Olympic Games! to establish a just and lasting peace in Ukraine, Gaza and elsewhere

The ancient Greeks suspended the warring between themselves for the duration of the Olympic Games. In those days, the Games lasted only five days. But the truce lasted as long as the athletes needed to get to and from Olympia,…

Discarding Old Theories on the Path to Finding the First Humans Outside Africa

When I began studying human prehistory in the mid-1990s, little did I know that I would witness a paradigm shift in our understanding of when the first humans settled in Western Eurasia firsthand. At the time, I was preparing my master’s thesis…

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